So, what did I do? Firstly, I started micro-dosing with psilocybin. The magic mushrooms helped to soften some of my constant limiting self-beliefs as well as reducing the amount of regular soul-destroying nightmares that stopped me from sleeping.
Aktuelle Gratis-Produkte
Hanf & Natur - Hanföl Sanfte Seife
2,49 €0,00 € -
Hanfama - Anti-Blemish Gesichtsreinigung mit CBD
39,99 €0,00 € -
Arthrobene - Gelenksgel Grün
16,95 €0,00 €
It was, however, when I started the Sweet Spot therapeutic sessions with psilocybin that, step for step, I managed to eliminate my debilitating PTSD.
Please join me on this year-long life-journey of mine as I bare my soul in describing what happened in my past, the battles I experienced through these changes to the awe-inspiring life-changing revelations I experienced.
This journey broke me free from those restrictive bonds by allowing me to deal with the past, to love myself and to give me my life back.